
Choose: The Single Most Important Decision Before Starting Your Business

von Ryan Levesque

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  • The biggest mistake you can make when studying successful people is to look at what they’re doing now instead of what they were doing when they were at the stage you’re in right at this moment.

  • there is one business model that rises above all the others, and it’s this: selling education and expertise.

  • The fact is that everyone has a strength they can capitalize on, and to the many who believe they have to be the foremost in their field in order to be considered an “expert,” I say you need to change your mindset. There are millions of people out there who seek knowledge or guidance for the sheer purpose of understanding fundamentals. They don’t always require mastery of a subject.

  • People like Lex Case, who educates gardeners on how to grow better organic tomatoes online. And Alexis Fedor, who teaches thousands of artists around the world how to turn their art into a business. And Kristi Kennedy, who produces digital programs for children, parents, and elementary schools to help kids recognize, prevent, and recover from bullying. And Ron Reich, who provides dog owners with online resources to help them potty train their puppies.

  • necessary. If you don’t think you’re ready to teach someone, think again. The simple act of teaching will raise your expertise exponentially, in a way you didn’t even think was possible. Just the need to simplify information into bite-size morsels for others to easily digest is a valuable undertaking.

  • An expert can be nothing more than a learner teaching other learners. To a 4th-grader, the 5th-grader is a genius. You just need to stay one step ahead, not necessarily light-years ahead.

  • As you can see, the IN/UP/MAX approach offers both ascending levels of value for your customers and substantial opportunities for business growth for you. It’s a powerful concept and relates to a handful of the Market Must-Haves. So here we go!

  • To wrap this up, here’s the takeaway: What you want to be looking for is evidence of additional future problems you can solve in the same market for the same customer. One where you can solve problem after problem for that same individual, and earn a loyal customer for life.

  • all about.

  • Henry Ford is thought to have said, “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would’ve told me faster horses …” Steve Jobs is attributed as saying, “People don’t know what they want until you show it to them …”