
How to Be an Imperfectionist: The New Way to Self-Acceptance, Fearless Living, and Freedom from Perfectionism

von Stephen Guise

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  • Perfectionism makes you stay home, not take chances, and procrastinate on projects; it makes you think your life is worse than it is; it keeps you from being yourself; it stresses you out; it tells you that good is bad; and it ignores the natural way in which things work.

  • The road to excellence begins unimpressively.

  • There you are. You’re fully aware of all of your problems, but they don’t bother you. You find yourself in that one situation in which you are typically perfectionistic, but this version of you is carefree. A few things go wrong, but you react calmly. It’s almost annoying how much this version of you doesn’t care about being judged, making mistakes, being rejected, making perfect decisions, and getting everything just right. This version of you doesn’t get nervous or anxious. You’re completely relaxed in a calm, focused, and productive way. You’re at a party now, and you flashed some dance moves that nobody had ever seen before. (That took a lot of guts, but you didn’t think twice about it.)